### US ENGLISH ############ You can use and modify this program as you wish, but for distribute you must have my permission and include my copyright notice and link with it. For commercial use you must buy a license for $2.5 per 1 AP. - Commercial use is meant the use of providers (ISPs) who are not part of the civic association or community networks, such as CZFree, and is aiming to generate profits. - Software developer assumes no responsibility for any damage incurred to property and health ### CZ CZECH ############## Muzete modifikovat dle libosti, ale pro distribuci musite mit me svoleni a prilozit muj copyright s odkazem. pro komercni ucely musite koupit licenci za 50 Kc za 1 AP. - Komercnim uzitim je mysleno pouziti u provideru (ISP), kteri nejsou obcanskym sdruzenim nebo soucasti komunitni site, napriklad CZFree, a neni jejich cilem generovat zisk. - Vyvojar software nenese zadnou odpovednost za pripadne vznikle skody na majetku a zdravi